Made in the Estuary is a high-quality creative programme that enables and showcases cultural production in South Essex and North Kent. Building on our Creative Estuary co-commissions we will respond to priority places, spaces and communities, leading to the creation of new work and stories for and about the Estuary. We’ll continue to target our investment towards BAME led organisations & artists.
People will have access to high quality culture in local, accessible and affordable spaces. From high streets and town centres to industrial areas and green spaces, communities will realise their full potential. We’ll ensure that arts, culture and the creative sector are key elements of healthy, thriving places, strengthening the network of creative producers and activating new community spaces.
We will enable people at all stages of their lives to design, develop and increase their participation in high quality creative activities. This requires connected organisations, spaces and skilled practitioners and to ensure it is fit for the future, improved pathways towards creative careers.
Our Estuary Leaders and Makers, a peer-led network of organisations and practitioners will develop and support emerging talent and future leaders. Connecting with and enhancing existing networks we will broker new relationships and opportunities, support the creation of new work and encourage projects with greater scale and ambition. Our Leaders and Makers will identify and address gaps in provision, artform and capacity.
We have invested in establishing Estuary Festival as a new, standalone organisation. This is already delivering impact in one of our priority places, Castle Point, where the organisation will now be based. We will work in close partnership as they develop the programme and framework for the next festival in 2025and together we will shape opportunities for Estuary artists, makers and producers to be part of the festival, showcasing our region’s talent.