Rosie Lonsdale

Come to Ebbsfleet Garden City: Opportunity Event

Monday, 1 February 2021
11:00 – 13:00 GMT
Online event

If you’re a creative individual, business or community organisation – seeking new space in what is poised to become one of the most exciting cultural hubs in the world – we’d like to hear from you!

The Ebbsfleet Garden City is strategically located at the heart of the Thames Estuary – a region of untold creative potential. Creative Estuary and the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation are two of the partners driving forward the evolution of this unique region, unlocking its potential both as an international production hub and a collaborative, inspirational working space for a new generation of creative talent.

The Garden City will bring together 40,000 new residents and potential for 30,000 new jobs, joining forces with the existing potential of Dartford and Gravesham to re-imagine the industrial heritage of North Kent as a reinvigorated location for investment and growth.

We are seeking creative, culture and community sector partners from the local area and across the south-east, and offering them the opportunity to ‘co-locate’ within the civic buildings and outdoor spaces planned for the Garden City. These key community facilities will provide additional space to support creative uses, establishing a critical mass of services and activities that will ensure long term viability, while contributing to a distinct and valued sense of place.

Come and join us for an online symposium – to learn about the opportunities on offer and how designs will be developed to meet your needs.

Come to Ebbsfleet Garden CitySally O’Reilly & James M’Kay, I Hear Horses, 2018, Cement Fields
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Event Programme

A range of speakers will discuss the breadth of opportunity from the Thames Estuary region, through the Ebbsfleet Garden City to some of the specific civic buildings coming forward in two of the Garden City’s most dynamic neighbourhoods.

There will be opportunities to meet the speakers, ask questions and register your interest in available space. You can also sign-up to join a number of co-design workshops planned for early-2021 – ensuring proposals are tailored to meet your needs.

Introduction – A Good Place for Making
Emma Wilcox (Project Director, Creative Estuary) will introduce Creative Estuary’s vision to forge a future founded on creative energy and innovation – transforming 60 miles of the Thames Estuary across Essex and Kent into one of the most exciting cultural hubs in the world.

1st Talk – Come to Ebbsfleet
Kevin McGeough (Head of Strategy & Placemaking, EDC) will discuss the role of culture in planning and placemaking – imagining the Garden City as a place animated through wide-ranging participation in ‘everyday arts and culture’.

Mark Patchett (Stewardship Project Manager, EGCT) will introduce the Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust, established as a charitable company to take on longterm stewardship of Ebbfleet’s civic assets. The Trust will act as a socially responsible landlord, creating the conditions for you to thrive within and as part of the local community.

2nd Talk – Come to Whitecliffe
Geoff Shearcroft (Director, AOC) will chair a discussion on the civic buildings and spaces on offer in Whitecliffe – offering you the opportunity to be one of the early pioneers and creative driving forces helping to forge an identity and sense of place for this new community comprising 6,250 homes across 3 distinct villages.

3rd Talk – Come to Northfleet
Anthony Staples (Associate, RCKa) will chair a discussion on the civic buildings and spaces on offer in Northfleet – offering you the opportunity to join an established and active local community with a distinct sense of identity, drawn from its rich industrial heritage, spectacular landscape and unique estuary location.

4th Talk – Meanwhile Opportunities
Turner Works will discuss the potential to activate underused sites across the Garden City for cultural, creative, heritage, commercial and community uses – allowing you to explore and test ideas in advance of permanent buildings, parks and public realm.

Creative Estuary is supported by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s Cultural Development Fund which is administered by Arts Council England.

Register here

Come to Ebbsfleet Garden City: Opportunity Event

Monday, 1 February 2021
11:00 – 13:00 GMT
Online event

Register here