Date: Tuesday, 2nd November 2021
Time: Breakfast & Speaker Session – 7.30am prompt – 10:15am finish (Networking Café 10.15am – 11.00am)
Location: Royal Lancaster London (Westbourne Suite), Lancaster Terrace, London, W2 2TY
At this Movers and Shakers event speakers, including Creative Estuary’s Emma Wilcox, will be discussing ‘The expanding role of the arts, music & culture in place-shaping – from local neighbourhoods to Global cities’.
As environmental and social value now sits comfortably in the plans for Cities, towns, and individual buildings, and features centrally in investor decision-making; are we ready to include ‘the arts, music and culture’ in our Real Estate plans and investment models?
In London, ‘culture’ in its broadest sense, is estimated to deliver c. £47bn annually for the UK economy; with 1 in 6 people in London believed to now work in the creative industries.
Yet, these industries rarely feature in the development and investment plans for the Capital. Until perhaps, now?… Emerging from a pandemic, that pretty much halted people’s engagement with arts, music and culture; we can see a renewed appreciation of its value to communities. And, the ramifications are more far-reaching than the pure enjoyment we can each experience in this space. Although, we wouldn’t want to underestimate the personal power of this.