An integral part of the Re:Generation 2031 initiative is our funded work placements in the creative and cultural sector. These entry-level roles are tailored towards young people living across the Thames Estuary region who have lacked opportunities, who are underrepresented in the sector and who want to explore career opportunities within the creative industries.
We also believe this is a vital opportunity for creative organisations or individuals based in the Thames Estuary region to increase their capacity and grow their business or practice. These host organisations benefit from not only being given the funding to create a new role within their business, but also a chance to gain a fresh perspective and a dynamic professional relationship with the young person recruited. The young person can take to their first steps in a creative career, whilst the organisation is able to hone their professional development skills and expand their outreach and production. These funded placements can also be the stepping-stone for organisations to be able to create extended or permanent job roles within their business or practise.
So far, 30 young people from North Kent and South Essex have been placed in a variety of roles (freelance and PAYE) with host organisations from across a range of industries including comedy; gaming; theatre; music; fashion; placemaking; galleries & museums; film & TV; live events; public art; web design; supply-chain (fabrication); education; set & costume design.
Blueprint Arts Foundation
Junior Creative Producer
Dovetail Games
QA Tester
Funny Women
Awards Coordinator
Primary Image
Junior Web Designer
Sparked Echo
Assistant Producer
Production Assistant
Square Peg Arts
Project Assistant
Pie Factory Music
Programme Assistant
The Backstage Centre
Studio Operations Assistant (x2)
Focal Point Gallery
Creative Learning Assistant
Studio Assistant
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
Cultural Development Assistant
Sarah Jane Booth Design
Design Assistant
Icon Theatre
Production & Administration Assistant
Emily Peasgood (Sound Artist & Composer)
Assistant Sound Artist
T.I.M.E – Together in Musical Expression
Assistant Music Instructor
Artist Surfaces
Assistant Workshop Technician
Arts Education Exchange
Design and Brand Assistant
Grrrl Zine Fair
Studio Assistant
Southend Community College
Digital Assistant
Arts & Culture Network
Events Management Assistant
Studio Assistant
Vesper 247
Ecommerce & Studio Assistant
Vesper 247
Content Creation & Ecommerce Assistant
Sun Pier House C.I.C
Gallery Activities Coordinator
Jax PR Ltd
Locations Assistant